Biker Don’t Lose That Number!

A good friend had two bikes stolen from their garage last week. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a record of the serial numbers of the bikes. If you own a bike, make sure you know its serial number. It will make the insurance process a bit easier, and will help you reclaim your bike if by slim chance it is recovered by police. You can usually find the serial number underneath the bottom bracket (the part of the frame holding the pedals, crank, and chainring).

You should also register your bike with the manufacturer if possible, or with a bike registry if there’s one in your area. Here’s some links. I make no warranty or guarantee regarding the recovery of your stolen bike by providing said links. If you know of the others not listed here, please email me and I’ll be happy to add to the list. Got a stolen bike story with a happy ending, or advice on recovering a stolen bike? Please leave a comment and share your wisdom!

National Bike Registry (USA)
Bike Registry Canada
Brodie Bikes
Toronto Police Bike Registry
New Zealand Bike Registry
Nationwide Cycle Registration (UK)
Chicago Stolen Bike Registry
Edmonton Bicycle Commuters
Bowling Green KY bike registry
MSU Bikes
Rocky Mountain Bikes