Yes, I’m being a bit cheeky and stirring the pot, but the harsh reality is we are letting our kids down with over-reliance on the automobile.
World Bicycle Relief Adds Three Members to Board of Directors
Chicago Cubs owner, AIDS United president, Trek Bicycles Founder join Board PR Newswire CHICAGO, March 21, 2011 CHICAGO, March 21, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — World Bicycle Relief, a Chicago-based not for profit that provides quality bicycles to people living in sub-Saharan Africa recently welcomed Todd Ricketts, Chicago Cubs owner; Mark Ishaug,
What About The Children?
Sustainability is the new black when it comes to catch-phrases. And rightly so. But, are we serious about paying more than lip-service to the concept? We’ll get a better idea of how much commitment local governments have to the idea in March, when transportation consultant Richard Gilbert’s guidelines for sustainable