Skyrocketing house prices, underfunded social services, and a lack of social housing are having a devastating impact on people across the Metro Vancouver region. In this episode of The Sustainable Region, we examined the problems created by homelessness and the ways in which they can be addressed.
homeless shelters
Recent Work – Metro Vancouver 2014 Homeless Count
What a privilege it was to get to listen to Judy Graves’s as she brought her years of experience advocating for homeless people to an orientation session for the 2014 homeless count volunteers in Surrey.
Making The Most of Micro Homes
Sixty-four square feet isn’t much. But when that space has a roof, walls, a door, and a lock, it’s a big step up for someone living on the street. It’s also the square footage of the micro-homes on display on Granville Island until November 14, as part of the design project undertaken