September has been a busy time in the Canadian bike world. Expocycle, Canada’s own cycling trade show got underway Sept. 10, with the Bicycle Trade Association of Canada’s annual general meeting. Topping the agenda, BTAC’s plans to promote ‘urban’ cycling. The organization has recognized the fast-growing segment of the marketplace
Specter Trike recumbent racer
James Schroeder pedals the Specter recumbent trike to over 50 miles per hour at the World Human Powered Speed Championships in Battle Mountain NV September 2008
Fast Tuesday
Wednesday, Sept. 17/08 Battle Mountain NV Speeds continue to creep upwards at the Human Powered Speed Challenge, but so did the wind velocity during the Tuesday evening runs, wreaking havoc on expectations for the most speed-friendly weather of the week. Sam Whittingham and Fred Markham are still the two fastest
Trains, bikes, and too much stuff
photo: Chris Keam One of my favourite films is the Spencer Tracy classic Bad Day At Black Rock. It’s not about someone taking the brown acid at Burning Man. It’s set in a tiny town in the Arizona desert. In the opening scene, Tracy disembarks with just a suitcase, at