Oct. 15, 2009 – One week from now, endurance athletes Greg Kolodziejzyk of Calgary and Jordan Hanssen of Seattle, WA will attempt a nautical circumnavigation of Vancouver Island, piloting the custom-designed, pedal-powered boat Within on its first long-distance ocean voyage. Greg and Jordan will launch Within on Friday, Oct. 23
world records
A Month of Bikes
September has been a busy time in the Canadian bike world. Expocycle, Canada’s own cycling trade show got underway Sept. 10, with the Bicycle Trade Association of Canada’s annual general meeting. Topping the agenda, BTAC’s plans to promote ‘urban’ cycling. The organization has recognized the fast-growing segment of the marketplace
Conquering An Ocean With Pedal Power
They call it the “Graveyard of the Pacific.†Heavy seas and unpredictable weather. A rugged, lonely coastline. Countless ships and sailors taken by its fierce storms and jagged rocks. Westward, nothing to see but North Pacific swells, until Hawaii finally climbs above the horizon. Men have sailed the route for