Recent Article – Indigenous Farrier Training
I wrote an article for The Tyee about an Indigenous farrier training program happening in the Cariboo. Student Dustin Sargent trims a horse’s hoof, exposing the fresh white keratin. Photo by Chris Keam.
New websites now online
I have launched two web properties. Please have a visit and let me know what you think Looking for info on ebikes? check out for the latest news, reviews, and deals on ebikes from around the world via our Twitter feed and stay tuned for even more content as
In Memory of my friend Craig
I think we are all a little shattered and stunned by Craig’s sudden passing this weekend so I wanted to share a few memories of my friend as I knew him and give his many friends a place to share their own thoughts or comments if they wish. I scrolled
Recent Work – Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel Divers
When you have to work underwater, and underground, at the same time, there’s no room for error. See how divers and their support team get the job done safely and smoothly on the Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel. project. (produced and edited as part of an ongoing major project video
Recent Work – Coquitlam Transfer Station
The new Coquitlam Transfer Station moves one step closer to completion in this project update video I produced for Metro Vancouver.
Writing a Really Great Year-End Letter
With autumn underway, it’s time to think about crafting an end-of-year message to your valued employees, members, customers, or other stakeholders in your organization. Done properly, recognizing the successes, challenges, and opportunities of your year is a clever way to do some marketing, show gratitude, and recognize effort, all in
CityLab connects Surrey students and city staff in learning collaboration
In a refreshing break from large construction projects, we go to school to profile a course in place-making featuring a collaboration between Simon Fraser University, Kwantlen PolyTechnic University, and the City of Surrey.
Construction Underway for Jericho Reservoir
My latest video for Metro Vancouver gives you a drone’s eye look at the start of the construction for the Jericho Reservoir in the Willoughby neighbourhood of Langley.
Renfrew Ravine
The honks and hammers remind us that stillness is available even in an urban setting. Stick around long enough and a little birdy will fly through.