handpainted bike lane sign
What direction will cycling in Vancouver take in 2012?

My latest article for Granville Online:

“It started in July 2009. The creation of a separated, protected lane for cyclists on the Burrard Bridge turned out to be just the beginning of Vision Vancouver’s ambitious plan for increasing cycling in Vancouver. In 2010, the addition of separated lanes on Dunsmuir and Hornby Streets not only created more protected routes for cyclists, they also added fuel to the fire, in what became a fractious and heated debate over the allocation of road space in the city.

Now, with the Vision Vancouver-dominated council having created a separated lane system running through the downtown core, they’re claiming it’s time to step back and take stock of the situation before launching any new initiatives. In fact, no major changes to the existing network are expected to be introduced before the next civic election. But, what might we expect after voters go to the polls, if another cycling-friendly council is installed at City Hall? Three central figures in the debate say planning, education, and communication are as important as painted lanes and concrete barriers in building the bike lane ahead.”

Complete article at Granville Online – Beyond the Vision for a pedal-happy Vancouver

1 Comment

  1. Rogr Lee | |

    “That Kits-Cornwall area… is a missing link” –I’m glad to hear this on the table. I agree.

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